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Recruiting now for Permaculture Design Course

London’s Permaculture Design Course – Design 4 A.C.T.I.O.N (Active Community Transformation In Our Neighbourhoods) is a different kind of permaculture course – positive design for your life, your community and your world by empowering the genius inside all of us!

D4A is about regenerative learning, enabling individuals, organisations and communities to come together over six weekends to create empowering solutions to the real world challenges we are all facing in these times of change. Adapted from the Permaculture Association (Britain)’s PDC core curriculum, this is a person-centred, fun, lively and inclusive course, exploring and utilising concepts such as Systems Thinking, Holistic Design, Community Empowerment, ‘Whole Person’ Health, Skill Sharing, Critical Thinking, Appreciative Inquiry, Right Livelihoods and much more.

The format is participatory and dynamic using diverse visual, audio and kinesthetic learning methods such as individual and group work, games, problem solving, discussion, observation, field trips, practical activities, lectures and slideshows. This course will be hosted at Furtherfield Commons in Finsbury Park, a new and exciting partnership project at the cutting edges of dynamic cultural change: “We believe that through creative and critical engagement with practices in art and technology people are inspired and enabled to become active co-creators of their cultures and societies.”

Led By: The course will be taught by Graham Burnett (Dip. Perm Des), Claire White (Dip. Perm Des), James Taylor (MSc. Human Ecology) and some great guest teachers.

Dates: 6 weekends, October 2016 – March 2017
29 – 30 Oct 2016
19 – 20 Nov 2016
10 – 11 Dec 2016
14 – 15 Jan 2017
11 – 12 Feb 2017
11 – 12 March 2017

£390 – Individual, concessionary rate (unwaged)
£590 – Individual, waged (income less than £25k)
£790 – Individual, waged (income more than £25k)
£790 – Sponsored/organisation rate

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